There’s a lot in The Friends of the Ridgeway’s (FoR) summer newsletter. Chair of the Ridgeway Partnership, Simon Kearey, introduces the new Ridgeway National Trail Officer, Ian Black. We look at two ways to get along the Ridgeway. Josie Hill provides an inspirational account of her motivation and experiences on the Trail on a mobility scooter, whilst Janice Bridger describes horse-riding events on Smeathe’s Ridge, in Wiltshire. We remember David Gardiner, an inspirational founder member of the Green Lanes Environmental Action Movement, who died earlier this year. The 9th Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize Exhibition will be in its usual venue over the weekend of 26 and 27 April next year. We feature the Runners-up and Highly Commended artworks of this year’s event. Photographer Matt Writtle describes the Ridgeway Photo 50 project, which will involve 6-19 year-olds from September. Publisher Cicerone have issued a new guide to the Sarsen Way, a 50-mile trail linking Swindon and Salsbury, with a discount for members of FoR. Finally, the oldest horse in the country – the Uffington White Horse – was attended to by many archaeologists in July. Actions included widening the head and neck. We look at how they, with the help of volunteers, did it.

For a copy of the newsletter, click on the image.