
Winter Newsletter 2021

Winter Newsletter 2021

 Following the letter from the Chairman, this Newsletter gives a report from the Secretary ‘The Secretary’s Minute Book’, an update from the Treasurer, an update on the Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize, a report on the Great Chalk Way, snippets from Ridgeway Partnership News...

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Autumn Newsletter 2020

Autumn Newsletter 2020

Following the letter from the Chairman, this Newsletter gives a report from the Secretary The Secretary’s Minute Book, an update from the Treasurer, a report on the Great Chalk Way, an update on the Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize, information on trail repairs in World...

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Summer Newsletter 2020

Following the letter from the Chairman, this Newsletter gives a Treasurer’s Update, then an introduction to new Trustees Dave Cavanagh and Duncan Strutt, a report on the Great Chalk Way, a report on the Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize 2020 with illustrations of some of the...

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AGM 2020 Voting to be done by Email

As advised in the email of 20 March 2020 from the Chairman, the AGM cannot go ahead as stated in the Annual Review. As our constitution, we are required to hold an AGM ‘as soon as practicable thereafter’.  This could be argued to be in the Autumn given the...

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Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize 2020 Exhibition Cancelled

Regrettably, given the present circumstances and Government recommendations with regard to the Coronavirus, we have concluded that the Friends Ridgeway Day including the Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize and associated exhibition on 18 and 19 April 2020 in Uffington plus the...

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Winter Newsletter 2020

Following the letter from the Chairman, this Newsletter gives a report on administrative matters from the Secretary, a Treasurer’s Update, a letter from the Chairman of the Vale of the White Horse Local Group, update on the Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize 2020, some entries...

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Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize 2020 Exhibition

The Friends of the Ridgeway are delighted to announce that they will again be holding an annual arts competition and prize – the Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize. A Flyer for the exhibition is available at Exhibition Flyer and more details are shown in the Arts Prize section...

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Autumn Newsletter 2019

Following the letter from the Chairman, this Newsletter gives a report on administrative matters from the Secretary, a Treasurer’s Update, information and entries from the Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize, a Circular pub walks on the Ridgeway, background on the Vale of the...

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