
Summer Newsletter 2019

Following the letter from the Chairman, this Newsletter gives a report on administrative matters from the Secretary, a Treasurer’s Update, a short introduction to two new Trustees - Tim Lewis and Carole Ruse, report on the Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize, an article on The...

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Winter 2019 Newsletter

Our Winter 2019 Newsletter includes news on administrative matters from the Secretary, an article on History of the Ridgeway, Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize update, and a circular pub walks on the Ridgeway. For a copy of the newsletter, click on the image.

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Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize 2019

The Friends of the Ridgeway are delighted to announce that they will again be holding an annual arts competition and prize – the Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize. A Flyer for the competition is available...

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Autumn 2018 Newsletter

Our Autumn 2018 Newsletter includes news on Motor Vehicle Stakeholder Working Group, Motor traffic in World Heritage Site, The Great Chalk Way, The Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize 2019 and the 2018 Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize winner. For a copy of the...

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Summer 2018 Newsletter

Our Summer 2018 Newsletter includes news on The Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize 2018, Memories brought back by an entry to the Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize and Memories of the Ridgeway during the War. For a copy of the newsletter, click on the image.

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Spring 2018 Newsletter

Our Spring 2018 Newsletter includes news on The Swire Ridgeway Arts Competition 2018, Preliminary Notice of the AGM 2018, a new Trustee, an update on The Ridgeway Partnership and an update on The Great Chalk Way. For a copy of the newsletter, click on the image.

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