Spring 2017 Newsletter

Our Spring 2017 Newsletter includes news on The Swire Ridgeway Arts Prize, The Ridgeway Partnership, Preliminary Notice of the 2017 AGM, The Vale of White Horse Local Group and a review of the Ridgeway Guide Book ‘Walking The Ridgeway’....

Ridgeway Partnership – funding threat

The transfer of management responsibility to the new public/private Partnerships is clearly seen as an opportunity to reduce public funding in favour of new sources of revenue from commercial activities and donations. While this is not necessarily wrong in the long...

The Ridgeway Partnership Newsletter Launched

The first newsletter from the new Ridgeway Partnership is launched which includes details on a project aiming to link trail visitors with local attractions and facilities. Also featured is a new circular walk which connects The Ridgeway with The Chiltern Way. A large...

The Launch of The Ridgeway Partnership: 19th June, 2015

All the time spent and hard work put in over the last two years came to an exciting culmination on Friday, 19th June, when the new Ridgeway Partnership was formally launched.  The many organisations and individuals involved in the discussions leading up to the...

The Friends of The Ridgeway – AGM 2015

Members gathered for the AGM held this year at The Vale & Downland Museum, Wantage, on Sunday, 26th April, in anticipation of a significant turning point in our history.  Besides the expected briefing on the new Ridgeway Partnership, our long-serving...